Dossman, BC, E Filiberti, AM Roth, and PP Marra. In Press. Beyond tracking: advancing animal ecology through the longitudinal sampling of individuals. Ornithology.
Brodie, RE, NJ Bayly, AM González, J Hightower, JL Larkin, RLM Stewart, S Wilson, and AM Roth. 2024. Nonbreeding distributions of four declining Nearctic-Neotropical migrants are predicted to contract under future climate and socioeconomic scenarios. Ornithological Applications.
Slezak, CR, EJ Blomberg, LA Berigan, R Darling, AC Fish, SJ Clements, AM Roth, R Rau, G Balkom, B Carpentar, G Costanzo, J Duguay, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howel1, S Maddox, SW Meyer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, J Stiller, M Tetreault, L Williams…, SR McWilliams. 2024. Unconventional life-history in a migratory shorebird: desegregating reproduction and migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Clements, SJ, LA Berigan, AC Fish, RL Darling, AM Roth, G Balkcom, B Carpenter, G Costanzo, J Duguay, K Filkins, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, SW Mayer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, D Sausville, C Slezak, J Stiller, J Straub, M Tetreault, D Washington, L Williams, EJ Blomberg. 2024. Lack of evidence for discrete migration strategies in American woodcock suggests potential for species’ resilience. Ornithology ukae008,
Fish, A, A Roth, G Balkcom, L Berigan, K Brunette, S Clements, G Costanzo, C Graham, B Harvey, M Hook D Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, S Meyer, T Nichols, B Pollard, C Roy, J Stiller, D Washington, L Williams, E Blomberg. 2024. American woodcock (Scolopax minor) migration phenology in Eastern North America: implications for hunting season timing. Journal of Wildlife Management e22565.
Blomberg, EJ, AC Fish, LA Berigan, AM Roth, R Rau, SJ Clements, G Balkcom, B Carpenter, G Costanzo, J Duguay, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, SW Meyer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, C Slezak, J Stiller, M Tetreault, and L Williams. 2023. The American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey largely conforms to the phenology of male woodcock migration. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Buckardt-Thomas, A., DJ McNeil, JL Larkin, KE Johnson, and AM Roth. 2023. Evaluating Golden-winged Warbler use of alder and aspen communities managed with shearing in the western Great Lakes. Ecosphere 14.
Hightower, JN, DL Crawford, WE Thogmartin, KR Aldinger, S Barker Swarthout, DA Buehler, J Confer, C Friis, JL Larkin, JD Lowe, M Piorkowski, RW Rohrbaugh, KV Rosenberg, C Smalling, PB Wood, R Vallender, and AM Roth. 2023. Change in climatically suitable breeding distributions reduces hybridization potential between Vermivora warblers. Diversity and Distributions 29:254–271.
Pohlman, CK, AM Roth, MJ Hartley, ML Hunter, BJ McGill, and RS Seymour. 2023. Experimental natural disturbance-based silviculture systems maintain mature forest bird assemblage long-term in Maine (USA). Forest Ecology and Management 528.
Roelandt, CM, AM Roth, SR McWilliams, and JC Witt. 2022. Measuring circulating triglycerides in free‑living birds: evaluation of a field‑usable point‑of‑care analyzer for American woodcock. Journal of Ornithology 63:235–241.
Bothwell, K, MS Crandall, and AM Roth. 2021. Silviculture for deer and timber: a multiple‐use policy
analysis reveals important implementation barriers. Forests 12, 1436.
Elmore, JA, SB Hager, BJ Cosentino, TJ O’Connell, CS Riding, MA Aguilar–Gómez, ML Anderson, M Bakermans, TJ Boves, D Brandes, MW Butler, EM Butler, NL Cagle, R Calderón–Parra, AP Capparella, A Chen, K Cipollini, AAT Conkey, TA Contreras, RI Cooper, CE Corbin, RL Curry, JJ Dosch, MG Drew, KM Dyson, C Foster, CD Francis, E Fraser, R Furbush, NDG Hagemeyer, KN Hopfensperger, D Klem Jr, E Lago, A Lahey, K Lamp, G Lewis, CS Machtans, J Madosky, TJ Maness, KJ McKay, SB Menke, KE Muma, N Ocampo–Peñuela, R Ortega–Álvarez, AL Pitt, AL Puga–Caballero, JE Quinn, CW Varian–Ramos, AM Roth, PG Saenger, RT Schmitz, J Schnurr, M Simmons, AD Smith, DR Sokoloski, J Vigliotti, EL Walters, LA Walters, JT Weir, K Winnett–Murray, JC Withey, I Zuria, and SR Loss. 2021. Continental assessment of species and life history–related variation and correlates of bird- building collisions in North America. Conservation Biology 25:654-665.
Buckardt, A, AM Roth, and J. Leahy. 2019. Developing a landowner citizen science program to monitor American woodcock on private lands. Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium.
Lopez Calderon, C., S. Van Wilgenburg, A Roth, D. Flaspohler, and K. Hobson. 2019. An evaluation of isotopic (δ2H) methods to provide estimates of avian breeding and natal dispersal. Ecosphere 10.
Testa, GM, JL Knowlton, CC Phifer, AM Roth, CR Webster, and DJ Flaspohler. 2018. Avian community response to short-rotation aspen forest management: implications for bioenergy development. Northeastern Naturalist 25: 308-318.
Hager, SB, BJ Cosentino, MA Aguilar-Gómez, ML Anderson, M Bakermans, TJ Boves, D Brandes, MW Butler, EM Butler, NL Cagle, R Calderón-Parra, AP Capparella, A Chen, K Cipollini, AAT Conkey, TA Contreras, RI Cooper, CE Corbin, RL Curry, JJ Dosch, MG Drewq, K Dyson, C Foster, CD Francis, E Fraser, R Furbush, N Hagemeyer, KN Hopfensperger, D Klem, Jr., A Lahey, K Lamp, G Lewis, SR Loss, CS Machtans, J Madosky, TJ Maness, KJ McKay, SB Menke, KE Muma, N Ocampo-Peñuela, TJ O'Connell, R Ortega-Álvarezk, AL Pitt, AL Puga-Caballero, JE Quinncc, CW Varian-Ramosmm, CS Ridingdd, AM Roth, PG Saenger, RT Schmitz, J Schnurr, M Simmons, AD Smith, DR Sokoloski, J Vigliotti, EL Walters, LA Walters, J Weir, K Winnett-Murray, JC Withey, I Zuria. 2017. Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation 212: 209-215.
Larkin, JL, D Raybuck, AM Roth, L. Chavarria-Duriaux, G Duriaux, M Siles, H Streby, and C Smalling. 2017. Light-level geolocation technology confirms alignment of Golden-winged Warbler wintering and breeding grounds conservation efforts and reveals areas used as prolonged stopover sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 288-298.
Hobson, KA, SL VanWilgenburg, AM Roth, and RE Bennett. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) migratory connectivity derived from stable isotopes. Studies in Avian Biology 49:193-204. CRC Press.
Crawford, DL, RW Rohrbaugh, AM Roth, JD Lowe, S Barker Swarthout, and KV Rosenberg. 2016. Landscape-scale habitat and climate correlates of breeding Golden-winged and Blue-winged warblers. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 41-66. CRC Press.
RW Rohrbaugh, DA Buehler, S Barker Swarthout, DI King, JL Larkin, KV Rosenberg, AM Roth, R Vallender, and T Will. 2016. Conservation perspectives: Using new science to improve strategic Golden-winged warbler conservation. Landscape-scale habitat and climate correlates of breeding Golden-winged and Blue-winged warblers. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 207-216. CRC Press.
Terhune, TM, KR Aldinger, DA Buehler, DJ Flaspohler, JL Larkin, JP Loegering, KL Percy, AM Roth, C. Smalling, and P.B. Wood. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler nest-site habitat selection. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 109–125. CRC Press.
Aldinger, KR, TM Terhune, PB Wood, DA Buehler, MH Bakermans, JL Confer, DJ Flaspohler, JL Larkin, JP Loegering, KL Percy, AM Roth, CG Smalling. 2015. A range-wide assessment of factors influencing Golden-winged Warbler nesting success. Avian Conservation and Ecology 10 (1): 6. [online] URL:
Roth, AM, DJ Flaspohler, and CR Webster. 2014. Legacy trees in young aspen forest improve nesting habitat quality for Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). Forest Ecology and Management 321: 61-70, special issue titled ‘Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests.
Confer, JL, P Hartmann, and A Roth. 2011. Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America [Online.]
Roth, A. 2011. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus). In A.T. Chartier, J.J. Baldy, and J.M. Brenneman, editors. The Second Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas. Kalamazoo Nature Center. Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. [Online.]
R Vallender, SL Van Wilgenburg, LP Bulluck, A Roth, R Canterbury, J Larkin, R Monica Fowlds, and Irby J Lovette. 2009. Extensive rangewide mitochondrial introgression indicates substantial cryptic hybridization in the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). Avian Conservation and Ecology-Écologie et conservation des oiseaux 4 (2), 4 [Online.]
DA Buehler, AM Roth, R Vallender, TC Will, JL Confer, RA Canterbury, SB ... 2007. Status and conservation priorities of Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) in North America. The Auk 124 (4), 1439-1445.
AM Roth, DW Sample, CA Ribic, L Paine, DJ Undersander, and GA Bartelt. 2005. Grassland bird response to harvesting switchgrass as a biomass energy crop. Biomass and Bioenergy 28 (5), 490-498.
AM Roth, and S Lutz. 2004. Relationship between territorial male Golden-winged Warblers in managed aspen stands in northern Wisconsin, USA. Forest Science 50 (2), 153-161.
S Ryan, SD Thompson, AM Roth, and KC Gold. 2002. Effects of hand‐rearing on the reproductive success of western lowland gorillas in North America. Zoo Biology 21 (4), 389-401.
AM Roth. 2001. Impact of forest succession on shrubland-dependent birds in aspen forests managed with traditional and alternative clearcutting systems in northern Wisconsin. MS Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
DW Sample, L Paine, and A Roth. 1998. Harvested switchgrass fields provide habitat for declining grassland birds. Proceedings of the BioEnergy 98.
Brodie, RE, NJ Bayly, AM González, J Hightower, JL Larkin, RLM Stewart, S Wilson, and AM Roth. 2024. Nonbreeding distributions of four declining Nearctic-Neotropical migrants are predicted to contract under future climate and socioeconomic scenarios. Ornithological Applications.
Slezak, CR, EJ Blomberg, LA Berigan, R Darling, AC Fish, SJ Clements, AM Roth, R Rau, G Balkom, B Carpentar, G Costanzo, J Duguay, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howel1, S Maddox, SW Meyer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, J Stiller, M Tetreault, L Williams…, SR McWilliams. 2024. Unconventional life-history in a migratory shorebird: desegregating reproduction and migration. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Clements, SJ, LA Berigan, AC Fish, RL Darling, AM Roth, G Balkcom, B Carpenter, G Costanzo, J Duguay, K Filkins, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, SW Mayer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, D Sausville, C Slezak, J Stiller, J Straub, M Tetreault, D Washington, L Williams, EJ Blomberg. 2024. Lack of evidence for discrete migration strategies in American woodcock suggests potential for species’ resilience. Ornithology ukae008,
Fish, A, A Roth, G Balkcom, L Berigan, K Brunette, S Clements, G Costanzo, C Graham, B Harvey, M Hook D Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, S Meyer, T Nichols, B Pollard, C Roy, J Stiller, D Washington, L Williams, E Blomberg. 2024. American woodcock (Scolopax minor) migration phenology in Eastern North America: implications for hunting season timing. Journal of Wildlife Management e22565.
Blomberg, EJ, AC Fish, LA Berigan, AM Roth, R Rau, SJ Clements, G Balkcom, B Carpenter, G Costanzo, J Duguay, CL Graham, W Harvey, M Hook, DL Howell, S Maddox, S McWilliams, SW Meyer, TC Nichols, JB Pollard, C Roy, C Slezak, J Stiller, M Tetreault, and L Williams. 2023. The American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey largely conforms to the phenology of male woodcock migration. Journal of Wildlife Management.
Buckardt-Thomas, A., DJ McNeil, JL Larkin, KE Johnson, and AM Roth. 2023. Evaluating Golden-winged Warbler use of alder and aspen communities managed with shearing in the western Great Lakes. Ecosphere 14.
Hightower, JN, DL Crawford, WE Thogmartin, KR Aldinger, S Barker Swarthout, DA Buehler, J Confer, C Friis, JL Larkin, JD Lowe, M Piorkowski, RW Rohrbaugh, KV Rosenberg, C Smalling, PB Wood, R Vallender, and AM Roth. 2023. Change in climatically suitable breeding distributions reduces hybridization potential between Vermivora warblers. Diversity and Distributions 29:254–271.
Pohlman, CK, AM Roth, MJ Hartley, ML Hunter, BJ McGill, and RS Seymour. 2023. Experimental natural disturbance-based silviculture systems maintain mature forest bird assemblage long-term in Maine (USA). Forest Ecology and Management 528.
Roelandt, CM, AM Roth, SR McWilliams, and JC Witt. 2022. Measuring circulating triglycerides in free‑living birds: evaluation of a field‑usable point‑of‑care analyzer for American woodcock. Journal of Ornithology 63:235–241.
Bothwell, K, MS Crandall, and AM Roth. 2021. Silviculture for deer and timber: a multiple‐use policy
analysis reveals important implementation barriers. Forests 12, 1436.
Elmore, JA, SB Hager, BJ Cosentino, TJ O’Connell, CS Riding, MA Aguilar–Gómez, ML Anderson, M Bakermans, TJ Boves, D Brandes, MW Butler, EM Butler, NL Cagle, R Calderón–Parra, AP Capparella, A Chen, K Cipollini, AAT Conkey, TA Contreras, RI Cooper, CE Corbin, RL Curry, JJ Dosch, MG Drew, KM Dyson, C Foster, CD Francis, E Fraser, R Furbush, NDG Hagemeyer, KN Hopfensperger, D Klem Jr, E Lago, A Lahey, K Lamp, G Lewis, CS Machtans, J Madosky, TJ Maness, KJ McKay, SB Menke, KE Muma, N Ocampo–Peñuela, R Ortega–Álvarez, AL Pitt, AL Puga–Caballero, JE Quinn, CW Varian–Ramos, AM Roth, PG Saenger, RT Schmitz, J Schnurr, M Simmons, AD Smith, DR Sokoloski, J Vigliotti, EL Walters, LA Walters, JT Weir, K Winnett–Murray, JC Withey, I Zuria, and SR Loss. 2021. Continental assessment of species and life history–related variation and correlates of bird- building collisions in North America. Conservation Biology 25:654-665.
Buckardt, A, AM Roth, and J. Leahy. 2019. Developing a landowner citizen science program to monitor American woodcock on private lands. Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium.
Lopez Calderon, C., S. Van Wilgenburg, A Roth, D. Flaspohler, and K. Hobson. 2019. An evaluation of isotopic (δ2H) methods to provide estimates of avian breeding and natal dispersal. Ecosphere 10.
Testa, GM, JL Knowlton, CC Phifer, AM Roth, CR Webster, and DJ Flaspohler. 2018. Avian community response to short-rotation aspen forest management: implications for bioenergy development. Northeastern Naturalist 25: 308-318.
Hager, SB, BJ Cosentino, MA Aguilar-Gómez, ML Anderson, M Bakermans, TJ Boves, D Brandes, MW Butler, EM Butler, NL Cagle, R Calderón-Parra, AP Capparella, A Chen, K Cipollini, AAT Conkey, TA Contreras, RI Cooper, CE Corbin, RL Curry, JJ Dosch, MG Drewq, K Dyson, C Foster, CD Francis, E Fraser, R Furbush, N Hagemeyer, KN Hopfensperger, D Klem, Jr., A Lahey, K Lamp, G Lewis, SR Loss, CS Machtans, J Madosky, TJ Maness, KJ McKay, SB Menke, KE Muma, N Ocampo-Peñuela, TJ O'Connell, R Ortega-Álvarezk, AL Pitt, AL Puga-Caballero, JE Quinncc, CW Varian-Ramosmm, CS Ridingdd, AM Roth, PG Saenger, RT Schmitz, J Schnurr, M Simmons, AD Smith, DR Sokoloski, J Vigliotti, EL Walters, LA Walters, J Weir, K Winnett-Murray, JC Withey, I Zuria. 2017. Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation 212: 209-215.
Larkin, JL, D Raybuck, AM Roth, L. Chavarria-Duriaux, G Duriaux, M Siles, H Streby, and C Smalling. 2017. Light-level geolocation technology confirms alignment of Golden-winged Warbler wintering and breeding grounds conservation efforts and reveals areas used as prolonged stopover sites. Journal of Field Ornithology 88: 288-298.
Hobson, KA, SL VanWilgenburg, AM Roth, and RE Bennett. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) migratory connectivity derived from stable isotopes. Studies in Avian Biology 49:193-204. CRC Press.
Crawford, DL, RW Rohrbaugh, AM Roth, JD Lowe, S Barker Swarthout, and KV Rosenberg. 2016. Landscape-scale habitat and climate correlates of breeding Golden-winged and Blue-winged warblers. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 41-66. CRC Press.
RW Rohrbaugh, DA Buehler, S Barker Swarthout, DI King, JL Larkin, KV Rosenberg, AM Roth, R Vallender, and T Will. 2016. Conservation perspectives: Using new science to improve strategic Golden-winged warbler conservation. Landscape-scale habitat and climate correlates of breeding Golden-winged and Blue-winged warblers. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 207-216. CRC Press.
Terhune, TM, KR Aldinger, DA Buehler, DJ Flaspohler, JL Larkin, JP Loegering, KL Percy, AM Roth, C. Smalling, and P.B. Wood. 2016. Golden-winged Warbler nest-site habitat selection. Studies in Avian Biology 49: 109–125. CRC Press.
Aldinger, KR, TM Terhune, PB Wood, DA Buehler, MH Bakermans, JL Confer, DJ Flaspohler, JL Larkin, JP Loegering, KL Percy, AM Roth, CG Smalling. 2015. A range-wide assessment of factors influencing Golden-winged Warbler nesting success. Avian Conservation and Ecology 10 (1): 6. [online] URL:
Roth, AM, DJ Flaspohler, and CR Webster. 2014. Legacy trees in young aspen forest improve nesting habitat quality for Golden-Winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). Forest Ecology and Management 321: 61-70, special issue titled ‘Mechanisms and predictors of ecological change in managed forests.
Confer, JL, P Hartmann, and A Roth. 2011. Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America [Online.]
Roth, A. 2011. Rose-breasted Grosbeak (Pheucticus ludovicianus). In A.T. Chartier, J.J. Baldy, and J.M. Brenneman, editors. The Second Michigan Breeding Bird Atlas. Kalamazoo Nature Center. Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. [Online.]
R Vallender, SL Van Wilgenburg, LP Bulluck, A Roth, R Canterbury, J Larkin, R Monica Fowlds, and Irby J Lovette. 2009. Extensive rangewide mitochondrial introgression indicates substantial cryptic hybridization in the Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera). Avian Conservation and Ecology-Écologie et conservation des oiseaux 4 (2), 4 [Online.]
DA Buehler, AM Roth, R Vallender, TC Will, JL Confer, RA Canterbury, SB ... 2007. Status and conservation priorities of Golden-winged Warbler (Vermivora chrysoptera) in North America. The Auk 124 (4), 1439-1445.
AM Roth, DW Sample, CA Ribic, L Paine, DJ Undersander, and GA Bartelt. 2005. Grassland bird response to harvesting switchgrass as a biomass energy crop. Biomass and Bioenergy 28 (5), 490-498.
AM Roth, and S Lutz. 2004. Relationship between territorial male Golden-winged Warblers in managed aspen stands in northern Wisconsin, USA. Forest Science 50 (2), 153-161.
S Ryan, SD Thompson, AM Roth, and KC Gold. 2002. Effects of hand‐rearing on the reproductive success of western lowland gorillas in North America. Zoo Biology 21 (4), 389-401.
AM Roth. 2001. Impact of forest succession on shrubland-dependent birds in aspen forests managed with traditional and alternative clearcutting systems in northern Wisconsin. MS Thesis. University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI.
DW Sample, L Paine, and A Roth. 1998. Harvested switchgrass fields provide habitat for declining grassland birds. Proceedings of the BioEnergy 98.